Canarian tomatoes, with fermented tomato dressing, green peppers ajoblanco, avocado and lime mayo by Chef Willy Ramirez of Tasting Spain

METHOD For the marinade of the tomatoes, we are going to ferment some of them for a week and keep the water. Then we mix the water with Macho vinegar, olive oil, basil and lime. For the pepper almond soup (ajoblanco), we fried the green peppers and take the seeds out. Then we mixed it […]
Grilled beetroot covered on salt, beetroot demiglace and Canarian cream cheese by Chef Willy Ramirez of Tasting Spain

METHOD To cook the beetroot, we are going to cover it with salt and cook it in the oven at 180° for 1hour. After that we proceed to peel them and set aside. For the sauce we put in big pot 2kgs of onions, 2kgs of carrots, 2kgs of leeks and 2kgs of chickpeas. We […]
G.O.A.T. (Greatest of all time) SCOTCH EGG (HUEVON DE CABRA) by Chef Niall Wallis of Tasting Spain

METHOD PREPARATION Remove the skin and almonds from the black pudding Mix the remaining sweet black pudding with the goat mince and season with the spices andherbs. Chill the mix in the fridge while we continue. In a small pot boil water and add the quail’s eggs for 3 minutes. Then remove the eggs and […]
British Springtime Spanakopita by Miele

METHOD Place the nettles, spinach and wild garlic into a perforated steam tray and wilt at 90°C steam for 1 minute. When cool enough to handle, squeeze out as much liquid as possible, chop roughly and keep aside. Add the butter into a large frying pan over a medium heat and add the spring onions, […]
Gooseberry and Elderflower Tart by Miele

METHOD To make the pastry, place the flour and caster sugar in a large bowl and rub in the butter until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Add the eggs and stir in, then use your hands to bring the pastry together into a ball. Wrap in cling film and set aside in the fridge to […]
Peach and Cardamom Crumble by Miele

METHOD Preheat a Miele Oven on the fan setting at 200°C. Place all the ingredients for the topping in a food processor and pulse to a crumble texture. If you don’t have a food processor available, do it in a bowl by rubbing the butter with your fingers to achieve the same consistency. Combine all […]
Kevin Dundon’s Grilled Steak Sandwich

Kevin says…I love using produce. I am using them in the restaurant and at home through their online ordering system and the top quality of the Irish beef is always impressive. Preheat the barbecue to medium heat. In a saucepan, over on the barbecue (or prepared ahead on your cooker), place 1 tbsp. olive […]
Coconut Crème Brulée by Miele

METHOD For the coconut crème brulée, whisk the egg yolks and sugar lightly, add the cream, coconut milk and rum and stir gently. Pour the mixture into small serving bowls, cover them with foil, transfer into a Miele Steam Oven and cook for 1 hour on 80°C. Remove from the steam oven, remove the foil […]
Stuffed Courgette Flowers by Miele

METHOD For the filling, simply combine everything in a mixing bowl until smooth. Check the seasoning and transfer into a piping bag. Fill the flowers with the mixture until three quarters full and twist the top of the flowers. For the puree, place the courgette, shallot and garlic in a solid steam container and cook […]
Mark Moriarty’s Beef Wellington

Base elements: Place a pan on the heat and wait until it is smoking hot. Add some oil, season the meat, then brown the beef fillet all over, as quickly as possible. Chill in the fridge In a separate pan, add the butter and cook the shallot and garlic over a medium heat until soft. […]